Positive Parenting Tips For The Parent In Need!

Are You A Defeated Parent? Scream Free Parenting Will Revolutionize Your Existence! | November 22, 2010

Are you having issues with the behavior of your children? If so, take a look here for a few minutes, at scream free parenting. You might be curious to see what this is about.

If you’re reading this, you are probably not happy with how things are going in your household. If it makes you feel any better, understand that, so many others are going through the same thing as you.

Being a parent is extremely rough in this gruesome economy. Also, kids mature so fast, and they see so much at such tender years.

Consequently, you probably have a job that requires so much of your time, just like millions of others. You try to be a decent enough parent, and keep the family finances together, and it is all very difficult.

Things are bad all over, but, in the end, that doesn’t change things for you. You still have the same issues with your kids, and they still repeatedly, behave badly.

Well, the main thing you should do is don’t blame yourself for the way things are in your family. If the situation above is like yours, things are already bad enough. Try not to add to the negative nature of things.

So, you may be asking yourself, what then do I do? Enter scream free parenting. Just try to be open-minded to see that coming down so hard on your children when you discipline them, may not be the answer. Is that even effective anymore?

Most parents believe that yelling and screaming at, berating, and lecturing their children, are the effective ways to keep their children in line. Does the end justify the means? And we ask again, do these methods really work anyway?

If and when you do this, did you ever think why. Is it because you believe they work or once did, or maybe you’ve used them all along because you were raised by these harsh standards? In our hectic day, we don’t always take the time to really look at such details. We just do things out of routine.

However, this is such an important issue. Your children are so precious, as is the entire family. It’s not time to put this off anymore. The time for finding solutions is now. So, as long as you are here now, let’s take just a minute to show you why being a scream free parent is so important.

All those harsh methods we’ve mentioned, they all cause fear and stress in kids. This is not good because cortisol is then made and it travels to the brain. This forces them to a point of disorientation. The result is more misbehavior, they get screamed at again, and then the pattern repeats itself.

There’s more devastating things that happen because of the cortisol. They will be prone to high blood pressure, low immune system, low bone density and thus osteoporosis, and memory loss which causes learning disabilities. All of this, in conjunction with probable low self-esteem from the harsh parenting, usually leads to teenage delinquency.

Most parents certainly don’t intend to harm their children, they just want to raise them right, and keep some form of normalcy within the household. It’s a shame when things get so off track because, all children truly want is to be loved and cared for.

Would you like to learn the cause of problem behavior so things can change for good? Then…

Learn about Scream Free Parenting! Why shouldn’t your family be happy! To get the latest Parenting Information, visit Scream Free Parenting! Becoming an awesome parent has never been easier! Go to Parenting Potentials Program!

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