Positive Parenting Tips For The Parent In Need!

Forms Of Child Discipline: Why The Forms Of Child Discipline You Use Are Not Working! | September 19, 2010

Here’s an article about the forms of child discipline that you most likely use, and why they are not working. If they do work, then by all means, keep on using them. However, if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance they are not. Read along to get some insight into why you are having problems with your children!

What forms of child discipline do you regularly use?

These Forms Of Child Discipline Don't Work!

Chances are you use some varying forms of punishment and rewards fairly regularly. Read along to find out why these old staples of child disciplining are not working for you and are actually make things so much worse!

There’s one huge point to be made before we go anywhere with this. You must vow to, from this second forward, stop blaming yourself for any problems you are having with your children. The reason for this is that any problems you are having are not your fault! You read that correctly. You are not to blame!

Any why is this true? It’s true because you have been given misinformation about what forms of child discipline are effective. You have been shown over and over that the way to parent is by punishing bad behavior, and giving and taking away rewards based on good and bad behavior. You have been shown this by your own parents, by probably just about every parent you know, and by television and movies.

Maybe this is not true, or maybe you don’t agree. However, if you’re still reading, then you are, at least, intrigued. Let us explore why these methods of parenting don’t work.

They both illicit fear, and consequently, stress in our children. Punishment causes fear for obvious reasons, and the rewards system causes fear and anxiety because it is natural to be fearful of not achieving a desired result. When we don’t achieve the designated desired result, we don’t get the prize. This entire system is set up to cause fear, one way or another.

Now this would be bad enough, however, there is so much more to this story! Fear and stress cause cortisol to be produced by adrenal glands, and then it gets admitted in to the brain. This then causes all the behaviors that we yell at our kids about including:

1. Hyperactivity
2. Defiance
3. Whining
4. Argumentativeness
5. Violence and Tantrums

And this list goes on and on.

It’s kind of cruelly ironic that the very behaviors we yell at our children about, were most likely caused by the very forms of child discipline that we employ.

There is so much more of this story to tell, but it’s too long for the purpose of this article. There is one more very important point to make. The effects of cortisol usually get worse over time and can increase the possibility of teenage delinquency as well as sociopathic behaviors later on in life. So, it’s important to research this so you know for yourself, what is best for your children!

To learn the complete story, as well as long lasting parenting techniques, visit forms of child discipline! Join to get a lifetime membership to the parent learning club. This is an exclusive online parenting, learning, and support club that gives you access to exclusive interviews, articles, audio, videos, support, webinar invites and many special free gifts. Get help today at forms of child discipline!

Here’s a few other helpful links:
Positive Parenting Tips!
Parent Effectiveness Training!
Positive Child Discipline!
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